The Sun City Home Owners Association (SCHOA) will begin sending membership renewal letters through email starting in September, in an effort to be more efficient and environmentally friendly.
“You asked for it and we’re delivering!” said SCHOA General Manager, Lisa Gray. “We will begin emailing renewal notices to those who have an email on file with us. This will not only make it easier to renew your membership, wherever you are, but will also save us time and postage costs. This is long overdue, and we’re excited about implementing this.”
Members are encouraged to share their emails with SCHOA to support the new electronic communication, rather than continue to receive paper mail renewals. SCHOA does not share members emails. Membership is only $25 a year per household, and as our membership continues to grow and postage prices increase it only makes sense to transition our renewals to email.
SCHOA has been an advocate for Sun City since 1963 and helps to maintain our quality of life. Sun City would not be what it is today without SCHOA. Some of the things SCHOA does:
· SCHOA enforces our CC&Rs. (for single family homes)
· SCHOA protects our age overlay.
· SCHOA strives to keep our utility rates low and affordable.
· SCHOA monitors legislation that would affect Sun City.
· SCHOA offers a robust Business Partner Referral program allowing members to find vendors who they can trust to hire.
As a reminder, SCHOA and the RCSC are two different organizations. The RCSC oversees everything that has to do with recreation and your mandatory annual $575 assessment goes to them. SCHOA is responsible for protecting our community with adherence to the CC&Rs and Age Overlay and has a $25 annual membership. It’s the best $25 you’ll spend. Visit for more information and to join.
To ensure your email is on file with SCHOA, call the office at 623.974.4718 or email