SCHOA Mission
To preserve Sun City property values through the fair and consistent application of the CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions)
The Sun City Home Owners Association (SCHOA) has played an integral role in preserving the values of the Sun City community since 1963.
The most important function of SCHOA is to protect our age overlay and enforce the community standards known as the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs).
Since 1963 SCHOA has been an advocate for Sun City residents by acting as a liaison with Maricopa County regarding the roadways and public safety and works with the state legislature addressing issues that are important to our residents.
SCHOA is headed by an elected Board of Directors. Among the many responsibilities of SCHOA and the Board of Directors, perhaps none is more important than adhering to the SCHOA Mission and compliance with the Sun City CC&Rs. The Board generally meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month (with the exception of July and August) to conduct the business of the Home Owners Association. These meetings are open to Sun City residents and participation is both welcomed and encouraged.
Over the years, SCHOA has developed and maintained a Business Partners Referral Program which includes a wide selection of businesses and organizations that have met a required criterion. There are guidelines in place that are met and maintained by all business partners. This information is available to all SCHOA members.
Membership to SCHOA helps us to enforce the CC&Rs and protect our Age Overlay. A SCHOA membership is not included in your recreation center fees, though many think that it is. We’re not sure why our founders created a Home Owners Association that is fully responsible for enforcing the CC&Rs for the community but made the membership and financial support by homeowners voluntary. Membership is only $25 per year and we highly encourage all Sun City homeowners to join.
Opening Day, January 1, 1960
* Photos courtesy of the Sun Cities Museum